Senders address
[In 3 lines ]

Date [Only date written like 11th April 2018 or April 11th, 2018 ]

The Editor
Newspaper Name[Like Times Of India,etc. for national daily newspaper and Dainik Jagran,etc. for local newspaper ]
Adress [ New delhi,if not mentioned in question]

Sir[warning: respected Or dear will not be included ]

I wish to seek the courtesy of your highly reputed newspaper to publish tgis in the public interest on the subject matter______[or you can write: Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper.I want to draw your attention towards____]

[Para 2 problem  or   body/content]

This problem has reached to its extreme and is consequently creating panic . I request the authorities concerned to look into the matter and take promt[serious] and strict actions as soon as possible to solve this problem.I would be highly obliged.[or you can write I hope my letter find some space in your esteemed newspaper]

Thanking You
You Sicerely[No faithfully,obediently,truly,etc. Regarding New CBSE rule]
Your sign[signature]
Name(designation like responsible citezen or resident of welfare society)