Nowdays, new youtubers are on increasing which they simply use their audio to enhance their video but they can't do because they didn't have a mic for pc/laptop and using mobile phone for recording is sometime bad too.

But i will give you a trick,not trick but a way that will definately works for you by simply using your headphone and earphone as a mic on pc/laptop.

Above photo use will see both.The question you think is on which did this work, Answer is that it will work on both.

Now what you have to do is to put the earphone/headphone jack into audio port(there are two holes in pc or laptop put in audio port as shown in below pic)

Now, speak on headphone speaker not on mic as on this below picture shows

Now, enjoy your mic
If you any problem regarding this comment below.

  • If you want to know how to increase volume.
  • If you want to know how to decrease noise.
  • If you want to know how to record sound on pc or laptop